Hi there, I’m Julie Morris.

I’m a Front End Developer who creates clean, readable code for web and software development.


Totally quizzical app example page

Totally Quizzical App

A customizable quiz game which draws from the Open Trivia Database API, built in React. Users may select the size and type of quiz to generate, play against a timer, and instantly recieve a graded quiz upon completion.

Skills: React, Hooks

Tools: API, Props, State

Sticky notes app example page

Sticky Notes App

A React app to create “to-do” notes. Features include live interactive edits (using props and state), as well as the ability to delete notes and search for subjects.

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: Props, State, Lifecycle functions

Plant match app example page

Plant Match App

A "passion project" app that finds which plants make the best companions in a garden. Uses a self-generated database to feature matches in a popup modal, and includes a random plant-finding feature.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: JS Modules, CSS animation, Photoshop

Guess the word app example page

Guess The Word!

Players try to guess what the mystery word is … before their allotted letters are used up! Words are pulled from a word data store using an API, and are generated at random.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: API, JSON

GitHub repository personal page

GitHub Repository

A personalized GitHub gallery using GitHub’s API to pull repo data from my account. Visitors can click on repos to view details, and additionally search for specific projects.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

Unplugged retreat example webpage

Unplugged Retreat

A multi-page responsive website, coded with Flexbox. The versatile design offers several features including a cards section, interactive map, contact area, and more.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Flexbox

Tools: Photoshop, Chrome DevTools


Developer Skills





Responsive Design




Material UI


Tech Stack



FTP Client

Visual Studio Code

Adobe Creative Suite



Julie Morris front end developer


I’m Julie Morris, a Front End Developer based in Ventura, California.

A drive for problem-solving and constructing clever solutions has always played a pivotal role in my work, which has included wellness recipe development, writing, and graphic design. While on maternity leave, I began learning coding to augment my professional endeavors ... and became utterly enamored with the world of tech in the process. And so, my exciting career change began!

I completed the Front End Developer program at Skillcrush coding school, as well as extracurricular courses from Scrimba and Udemy, and am now actively building beautiful, interactive web experiences full-time. I can’t wait to work with you!

Fun fact! Prior to becoming a developer, my work as superfood chef and New York Times bestselling author amounted to publishing six books, with over half a million copies sold worldwide. I credit these challenging yet rewarding experiences with shaping me into the motivated, detail-oriented, and green-smoothie-fueled coder I am today.